Mesothelioma Treatment Options
Mesothelioma treatment has been improving steadily over the years due to concentrated research into the disease as a result of the low survival rates and the high payouts from the many lawsuits filed. Since Mesothelioma of the Pleura (Pleural Mesothelioma) accounts for up to 75% of all Mesothelioma cases, it is the type of Mesothelioma most targeted for research as the medical and insurance industries seek to improve the life span of mesothelioma patients.
Factors that Determine Mesothelioma Treatment Options
Mesothelioma Treatment depends on several factors, each of which will determine the types and aggressiveness of the treatment:
Mesothelioma Treatment Options
The more advanced the Mesothelioma, the more aggressive treatment options that will have to be applied. Theses options are listed below:
Factors that Determine Mesothelioma Treatment Options
Mesothelioma Treatment depends on several factors, each of which will determine the types and aggressiveness of the treatment:
- How early Mesothelioma is detected.
- How advanced the cancer is prior to detection (stage of development).
- Location of the Tumor.
- Age of patient.
- Type of Mesothelioma.
- Physical health of the patient.
Mesothelioma Treatment Options
The more advanced the Mesothelioma, the more aggressive treatment options that will have to be applied. Theses options are listed below:
- Surgery
- Pleural Effusion: draining of excess fluid from the Pleura.
- Tumor Removal: removal of tumors from the localized area.
- Extrapleural Pneumonectomy: removal of part of the diaphragm, pericardium and, or parietal pleura.
- Pleurorectomy and Decontification: removal of all or part of the mesothelium.
- Radiation Therapy: uses radiation to kill cancerous cells.
- Chemotherapy: uses drugs to interfere with the development of cancerous cells.
- Gene Therapy: used to make cancer cells more receptive to chemotherapy.
- Photodynamic Therapy: light (photo) energy is used to kill cancer cells.
- Trimodal Therapy: a combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
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