What Type of Mesothelioma Claim Should I File?

Mesothelioma claims
Mesothelioma claims
Mesothelioma claims can be filed against companies involved that encompass both personal injury and wrongful death.

Personal Injury Claims: 
Personal injury claims can be filed by people who are surviving and already diagnosed with mesothelioma, but it can also be filed through a family member with power of attorney from the victim, in this situation if, victim is too ill and unable to participate in the claims process. The phrase “personal injury” means injuries that are hurting the victim, both emotionally and physically, the laws for punitive damages may vary according to the state of residence / work. It’s the most common type of tort claim in the USA. For this kind of mesothelioma personal injury claims, in case of your winning means that you will be to entitled to compensate for the damages of:
  • Medical expenses related to your illness (past, present, and future)
  • Physical and emotional distress (related to your illness)
  • Loss of your wages (past, present, in future)
In 2015, a former student and employee of Morehead State University (MSU), his name was Lewis Williamson, aged 61, and he filed a lawsuit lawsuit for compensation against the school of $1 billion, after he developed asbestosis. He claimed in his case that his most of time was spending in work and study at MSU and that thing leads to his illness because asbestos-containing materials were filled within the premises of the school, and that were used when the school was constructed.

Williamson added that he constantly had chest pain at that time and that was so severe, prevented him from working at a new job he took. Ultimately, he returned back to his hometown of Kentucky, and there he was diagnosed with asbestosis.

Williamson said that he doesn’t care if he get anything. Any person who is going inside those buildings is at risk to exposure. He added, "Until I publicize this,  they are not going to understand and address the critical situation. This has been going on for years, since 1980 at least."

Wrongful Death Claims: 

One Mesothelioma victim Mr. John Haspell was an example case of wrongful death, successful claim. Haspell, was a former engineer and he passed away from mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos continuously, he was working at a chemicals plant in Greater Manchester, England.

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