Will My Asbestos Lawyer Make Me Attend Hearings?

An asbestos lawyer understand that his clients are likely not feeling well due to asbestos exposure, depression, illness and longer procedure. Mesothelioma is a taxing illness, so it’s understandable for a lawyer and the honorable court that you may not be up to attending hearings. However, whether you have to attend a hearing or a mediation, it will depends on the circumstances surrounding your case and health situation.
asbestos lawyer
For example, as per past practices, many courts require that clients along with their lawyers shall attend one at least mediation hearing with an unassigned judge or private mediator in order to get the case settled out of court without any need for a trial. Mediation sometimes takes only a few hours, but it can also take some days or weeks. However, that doesn't means that you’ll 100% have to appear before the court. Your health situation will be taken into consideration and/or your state may not require for your appearance in court. Sometimes, a lawyer can mediate alone with the defendant’s lawyer.
Rest assured that you have an experienced lawyer and he will make sure you’re comfortable at all times in any condition of the case. If you’re not up to attending mediation, consider allowing a close family member or friend to act in court on your behalf, as your power of attorney. If you believe that your lawyer will handle all the situation, and he will understand your condition, then leave all the things on your lawyer. He will proceed your case in the court and will inform the court regarding your condition, and in result, court will exempt you from appearance in the court. This thing will be a great relaxation for you, if you are not feeling well to attend the court hearing. May probably your lawyer will settle the case out of court.

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